Soulstorm RPG mod for Official Campaign
For: Soulstorm 1.2
Version: 1.1
This mod adds Heroes (experience/level-up) and Auto-Abilities mods to the official Soulstorm single-player campaign missions.
This mod also includes extended camera zoom mod from DowAI projects and incorporates Dawn of Skirmish AI mod.
THIS MOD REQURES Dawn of Skirmish AI 3.0 or above! Please install Dawn of Skirmish mod before installing this mod.
You can download Dawn of Skirmish AI 3.1 mod at '>
Dawn Of War Soulstorm Campaign Mods Free
Just about a month shy of three years after the initial release, the Thudmeizer Mod Team has announced the official launch of the newest and fully complete version of the Unification Mod for the 13-year old blockbuster RTS Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm. The latest version updates the mod to Unification 5.9, and comes with a massive. Black Templars Mod - Dawn of War Soulstorm - YouTube. Black Templars mod adds in the Black Templars as a completely separate faction from that of the Space Marines and the rest of. Eight off solitaire for mac.
Known issues:
Fane death knight build. -------------------------------------
- When you load saved games, unit rank indicator will reset to Regular (1), but the improved stats will remain.
- The following abilities will not be cast automatically: Basilisk's Earthshaker Round, Exorcist's Hunter-Killer Missile, Canoness' Ascension, Missionary's Divine Retribution and Emperor's Touch, and Dark Eldar's Soul Powers.
- Any commander attached to a squad will not level up. They will only level up when not attached to the squad. If you attach a commander to a squad, the commander will LOSE all the experience points she gained.
- Some units, such as Heavy Weapon Team, will change unit rank (level) when deployed.
Dawn Of War Free Ui
First, install Dawn of Skirmish mod v3.0 or above.
Extract '' into your Soulstorm main folder and then choose 'Soulstorm RPG 1.1' in Game Mananger.
Start a new single player campaign and enjoy!
If you have installed previous versions of Soulstorm Tactics or Soulstorm RPG, simply overwrite.
Saved games from previous versions should be compatible as long as they are campaign saves, but however I cannot guarantee complete compatibility. If in doubt, restart the campaign.
If you wish to use mission save games after installing new version of soulstorm RPG mod, please either restart the current battle or complete the mission. The new features will be activated in next battle.
CHANGES TO 1.10 (13/05/2009):
1. Increased health bias for Auto Abilities mod; units will now cast abilities less frequently and will choose targets with higher hit points.
2. Removed Earthshaker ability from Auto Abilities list.
3. Added more units for single player campaign; previously, some units such as Vespid squad would not gain experience in single player campaign!
4. Restored original honour guard Confessor unit in campaign map.
CHANGES TO 1.00 (26/04/2009):
1. Ported mod to Soulstorm version 1.2.
1. Added DOWAI project
CHANGES TO 0.94 BETA (01/05/2008):
1. Removed Commissar's 'Execute' ability from auto-ability list due to bug where commissar would disappear afterwards.
2. Heavy weapon team will now gain experience when entrenched.
CHANGES TO 0.93 BETA (21/04/2008):
1. Fixed bug where Heroes mod would not work for space marine race.
2. Changed name to Soulstorm Tactics; the name RPG seems to bring much confusion!
CHANGES TO 0.92 BETA (15/04/2008):
1. Made a few changes to Heroes mod.
CHANGES TO 0.91 BETA (15/04/2008):
1. Made a few changes to Heroes mod.
CHANGES TO 0.9 BETA (14/04/2008):
1. Optimized auto-abilities for several races.
2. Addressed an issue where prisoners freed during Dark Eldar Stronghold mission would not gain experience.
3. Fixed bug where 'take and hold' missions won't allow for Heroes mod.
4. Overhauled and streamlined Heroes mod for better consistency.
CHANGES TO 0.7 BETA (19/03/2008):
1. Removed HK missile abilities from auto-ability list.
2. Optimized auto-abilities for Tau.
CHANGES TO 0.5 BETA (initial release):
1. Added Heroes features for Dark Eldar and Sisters of Battle units.
2. Added and optimized auto-ability features for Dark Eldar and Sisters of Battle.
3. Restored proper honour guard unit for Confessor (Sisters of Battle). Probably disabled for balance.
Alex Gnome for his extended camera modes;
etherdragn and Phelan76 for Heroes 2.4 mod and allowing me to use his Hero mod;
Cuttershane for his excellent Auto-ability mod;
Corsix et al. for their wonderful Mod Studio;
Canoness for her Fullscale Soulstorm mod.
Dante3214 for addressing issues regarding 'take and hold' mission.
Tarik_GK for pointing out that prisoners would not gain experience.
I'm not responsible for any damage caused by this mod :-)
You're more than welcome to modify the mod.. a credit to me would be nice ;-)
For any questions, my email address is